Vabimo vas na predavanje prof. Stephana Clemensa, predstojnika oddelka za fiziologijo rastlin na Univerzi v Bayreuthu, Nemčija.
Predavanje z naslovom »Slow poisoning – the molecular physiology of arsenic accumulation in plants« bo v četrtek, 25.5.2023 ob 9h v predavalnici B5, Oddelka za biologijo Biotehniške fakultete, Večna pot 111, Ljubljana.
Slow poisoning – the molecular physiology of arsenic accumulation in plants
Arsenic (As) is a ubiquitously present environmental pollutant that negatively impacts the health of plants, animals, and humans. It is one of ten “chemicals of major public health concern” according to the WHO. Both natural and anthropogenic processes release As into groundwater and soils. Chronic human exposure occurs mainly via drinking water and the consumption of rice (Oryza sativa), which is far more likely than other crops to accumulate As in edible organs. The talk will present the main pathways of plant As uptake, in planta mobility and accumulation. Particular emphasis will be placed on inorganic and organic thioarsenates, As species that have only recently been found to be ubiquitously present in pore water of rice paddy soils around the world. One As species, in particular dimethylmonothioarsenate, raises serious food safety concerns.